The reason dental insurance companies place such an emphasis on preventive care is that these services do more to minimize your need for restorative or emergency dentistry in the future. This is evident in the fact that many plans offer 80-100% coverage for these types of services (i.e., dental exams, cleanings, X-rays, etc.). Of course, this is only attainable to patients if they see an in-network dentist. Fortunately, when trying to find a Cigna dentist in Burien, Seahurst Park Dentistry can be an ideal practice for high-end, affordable dental care. If you want to save more when visiting the dentist’s office, call us to find out how we can help you avoid the high price of dentistry.
Not all Cigna dental insurance policies are the same. It’s important that you understand the benefits breakdown will likely be different than that of your neighbor or colleague. Choosing a plan that meets your needs is important, and you can find the one that is right for you by reviewing the list of available benefits that might look something like the following:
Do not be surprised if your dentist reminds you to take advantage of your twice-yearly checkups and cleanings, as they can often be covered partially or in full by your dental insurance company. Once you meet your deductible, they must agree to pay more, so you’ll also want to stop putting off any complex dental procedure, such as a root canal, dental crown, or even tooth extraction.
These services, although invasive and extensive in many ways, can lead you to spend less out of pocket as long as you’ve met your deductible, have remaining annual maximum funds, and are working with a dentist who is in-network with your Cigna dental insurance.
As an in-network professional, Dr. Thomas can ensure lower out-of-pocket fees thanks to negotiated terms with the insurance company.
If you have questions about your dental insurance in Burien or would like to discuss how you can get the most out of your available benefits, do not hesitate to contact our team. At Seahurst Park Dentistry, we aim to provide patients with clarification and guidance when it comes to dental insurance. We understand the terminology and fine print can be difficult to understand and navigate, which is why we will be happy to review your plan, file any necessary claims, and help you maximize your benefits so that you don’t lose money that is rightfully yours at the end of the year.